JumpLanes offers excellent value for money, as well as providing a fun and fitness focused activity for children aged 5 years or older and under the the age of 18. Be sure to add us on Facebook also for flash offers and discounts.
Trampolining is a great physical activity so please dress appropriately. Sports wear only allowed on the trampolines - tracksuit pants, shorts or leggings. Any form of denim jeans, belt buckles, zip or external buttons are not allowed on the trampolines.
For general entrance and group prices see below:
Trampoline Lanes Prices:
Monday - Sunday:
€12 per person (55 minute session)
Soccer Pool: €8 per table per half hour (max of 10 - 12 people per table)
Table Tennis: €5 per half hour (Mon to Sun) (Bats & ball can be supplied)